Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Yesterday both the girls had their well-baby check-ups. Anna, her 9 month and Abby, her 2 year. They are both doing really well and are tall and skinny. Anna is 17 pounds and 28 inches. Abby is 25 pounds and 35 inches. The best part of the whole visit was...NO SHOTS!!! Abby doesn't need anymore until Kindergarten and they changed the schedule for vaccinations so Anna doesn't need any until 12 months. When we got in the car Abby actually said, "thaaat was fuuuun." Hooray for a tear-free and happy doctors visit :).

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Abby

Abby's 2nd birthday has finally made it here. It's just so incredible to think of how much she has changed and learned in only 2 short years! It makes me a little sad to know I'll never get some of these times back with her, but I also love who she is now and wouldn't trade the present for anything. I've put some of my favorite pictures of her in so you can see a glimpse of the last 2 years. Enjoy!

I love you, Abby!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Let's Get it Started...

I've decided to start a separate blog for our family so that I can keep family and friends up-to-date. I won't always break it down person by person, but to get started I think that's what I'm gonna do.

Our little Anna Faith is already 8 1/2 months old! She is crawling, saying "dada" and "t-t-t-t-t-t", and she has 5 teeth (4 on the bottom and 1 on top). She has also decided that she loves REAL food! She will eat anything (I do mean ANYTHING) that is put in front of her...I hope this keeps up :). She has a beautiful laugh and smile, and is developing such a sweet personality, too. She doesn't hesitate to try new things and learns quickly because of it. She is definitely the best "surprise" of all times!

Then there's miss Abigail Kate. She is going to be 2 on June 21!! It blows my mind that 2 years have gone by so quickly! It makes me sad, but it's so fun getting to know her more and more as she gets older. She has definitely entered the "terrible twos". Dinner time is a battle unless it's pizza or chicken nuggets, and nap time is almost non-existent because I have to put her back in her bed OVER and OVER and OVER.... She most certainly has her opinion, but she is a really sweet and caring girl at the core. There's nothing greater in the world as when she says "I wuv you" and gives me a big hug and kiss on the "wips" (she says "kiss your wips" everytime she wants a kiss :P). We're also entering new milestones with her. She has just finished cutting her last 2-year-molar (THANK GOODNESS!), interest in the potty is slowly emerging, she loves to talk and has a very big vocabulary, and she is quite a good singer (she sings a perfect "Twinkle Twinkle"). She is such a joy in our lives!

Thomas and I are entering our 5th year of marriage on August 7. Time goes by so fast! It still seems like we were just in high school, but now we're in our "mid-twenties" and have 2 kids!! It makes me feel old :P. He's working at Steel Dynamics, Inc. in Butler, IN. Times have been rough for the last 8 months, but we are so grateful that he never lost his job and now things are picking back up at work. He's also been landscaping and fixing up homes for his uncle who buys and sells a lot of houses. That job has been such a blessing and has allowed us to relax (a little) during the rough economic times. I married a hard worker who has a very strong work ethic, and I'm so proud of what he does for our family! Thankfully his job allows for me to stay home with our girls. My days are filled with ups and downs, smiles and tears, and everything else that comes with 2 small girls. It can be stressful at times and a bit lonely, but I'm SO grateful for this time I have with my daughters, and the benefits FAR outweigh the negative!